Annual Performance Plan 2023/24 – from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

In the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment’s 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan, several key initiatives are outlined to manage electronic waste (E-waste) responsibly. A few interesting plan-based initiatives focus on E-waste management, environmental protection, and economic opportunities include:

  1. E-Waste Diversion: The plan sets a target to divert 47,000 tonnes of E-waste from landfill sites in the upcoming year.
  2. Local Government Training: The department plans to train 300 municipal councils and officials in waste management, including E-waste.
  3. Recycling Initiatives: The plan emphasises recycling and waste beneficiation initiatives, contributing to proper electronic waste disposal.
  4. Environmental Protection: Targets include improving air quality in 15 priority areas and addressing water quality issues, reducing the environmental impacts of E-waste.

You can read the 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment here

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1. Company Information
Registered Name*
Trade Name
DFFE Producer Registration Number
Registration Number
Country of Registration
Year Established
Physical Address
Address 1*
Address 2*
Postal Code *
Postal Address
Postal Address 2
Postal Code
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Telephone Number
Website Address
Places of Trade/Manufacture
Type of EEE Producer
2. Contact Person/s
Legal Compliance Manager
This person is responsible for the company's regulation/compliance function.
First Name*
Contact Number*
Email Address*
Executive Director/Contract Signatory
This person will sign the ERA NPC Producer contract
First Name*
Contact Number*
Email Address*
Reporting Official
This person will upload/input the Producer's monthly PoM reporting data
First Name*
Contact Number*
Email Address*
Accounting Official
First Name*
Contact Number*
Email Address*
3. Financial Compliance Information
VAT Number*
SDL Number
Tax Number
Financial Year End (month)
4. Current WEEE Recycling
Describe WEEE Management Method(s)*
Please provide a brief summary of how you currently manage your WEEE
WEEE Management Service Provide name
Estimated Annual WEEE Tonnage Processed
Via Service Provider(s)
5. Document Uploads
Proof of Payment*
Maximum file size: 100 MB
SARS Tax Letter of Good Standing*
Maximum file size: 100 MB
Company Registration Certificate*
Maximum file size: 100 MB
BBBEEE Certificate*
Maximum file size: 100 MB
6. Person Completing the Form
Full Name*
Contact Number*
Email Address

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